June 30th, 2006

This was started as a place to put things, things regarding what we’ve found. Or maybe even things that we have found. Or even the mere possibility that things may be found. Perhaps posing the question what is worth finding? Maybe this is even a place that is yet to be found.

The name? Well a friend and I (and his brother) were watching The Searchers and kind of providing colourful commentary and my friend said “hey this is like Mystery Western Theory! I mean…Mystery Science Theatre…er…”. So yeah, nothing earth shattering to be found with this origin story…just a slip of the tongue. But aren’t many origins kind of slips of the tongue? Or slips of the tongs. Or tips of the songs. What.

This site is set in Verdana. It is meant to be viewed with Verdana, it appears on my screen as Verdana and looks okay…if it somehow screws up on your end that is your fault. This continues my love affair with Verdana beginning in Grade 7 when I started printing my essays in Verdana 10 point not knowing that it was made for screen…but oh well I liked it.

But anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my writings (and write your readings).